Gloster Kft (Ltd) was founded in March 1993. The circle of owners consisted of several private individuals. In that year, the company had a variety of canned fruits and vegetables in jars produced in contract work. Preparations have begun to establish a canning industrial background at the premises in Máriapócs. In 1994 (from the summer season), and as a result of hard preparatory work, the production of canned products was started in the Máriapócs plant, parallel with the contract production performed in other plants.

At the beginning of 1998, László Kegye became the 100% owner of the company. As a result of a series of developments, the production volume of the finished products was increased to 10 to 12 thousand tons that year.

Driven by the desire to meet the growing challenges and expectations of the production and the market, our significant investments amounting to approximately HUF 800 million Forints began in the period between 2002 and 2004. The investment processes reached their peak in the period between 2015 and 2021, thanks to the HUF 4 billion investment made in this period. With this, our production capacity was increased to 28-30 thousand tons. As part of the above investments, and focusing on the research, development and innovation processes, we have completely replaced our equipment in the production technology with modern, state-of-the-art equipment. In addition to the production technology, we have significantly increased our refrigeration capacity, and achieved that the amount of 1,000 tons of raw sour cherries can be stored and refrigerated at the same time. In addition, a storage capacity of approximately 15,000 m2 and modern packaging technology have been developed, and a four-beam X-ray machine was also procured. Starting in 1998, first the ISO – 9002, then HACCP were introduced, and finally we were among the first companies in Hungary to introduce the production within the framework of the IFS quality assurance system. As a result of the effects of the Russian financial crisis of 1998, the almost exclusive sales to the Russian market, which characterized our company in the initial period, were continuously shifted to the Hungarian and Western European customers. As a result, from the early 2000s, our complete production capacity has been sold on the above-mentioned markets.